PE corrugated pipes ID and OD
We make Peštan ID polyethylene PE pipes in diameters defined by the inner dimension (ID). The pipes are made in the following diameters: Ø ID 140, Ø ID 200, Ø ID 250, Ø ID 300, Ø ID 400, Ø ID 500, Ø ID 600, Ø ID 800.
Pipes are produced in standard length of 6 meters. All diameters can be created in classes ring stiffness SN 4 or S 8th. This range of ring stiffness allows optimum selection of tubes in accordance with the static calculation. In case that the project requires a greater a circumferential stiffness of SN 8, Peštan is able to produce the pipe ring stiffness up to SN16. For a complete program ID PE corrugated pipes we manufacture all the necessary fittings, transition pieces for connecting to pipes made of other materials and we can by special order make any kind of fitting of your drawing. We offer a complete program and accompanying manholes in all dimensions standardin so that we are able to help in one place and offer a complete pipe system for high performances.
Peštan polyethylene (PE) corrugated pipes are intended for the construction of a pipeline and gravity drainage of all kinds of waste water. The system is dimensionally identical to the PP corrugated pipes or by using a different material or PE-polyethylene. The main difference is the weight of the product, polyethylene pipe is slightly heavier for the same strength of the ring. These pipes provide a reliable function in almost all circumstances, however, in case of need for greater ring stiffness or transport of aggressive liquids, we advise consultation with our technical support. The pipeline is made of PE pipes Peštan. It is set and tested in accordance with EN 1610 which will provide long-lasting and reliable function in almost all conditions. Buyer in accordance with its needs chooses a circumferential stiffness (strength ring) pipe that can be SN 4 (4 KN/m²), SN 8 (8 KN/m²), at the request of a customer up to SN 16 (4 KN/m²). With the program we offer a complete pipe manhole manufactured of our pipes or roto casting technique as well as a complete range of fittings so that we can meet all customer requirements regardless of how the project was complex. Peštan also offered saddle connector possesses subsequent SAG, which provides fast and efficient connection to the already installed pipeline. As the dimensional characteristics of PE and PP OD pipe identical, assembling saddle subsequent connection is identical on both pipes. About SAG, we will say more in part of the work of PP corrugated pipe ID.
With a complete pipeline we can offer you the service of pneumatic testing of the pipeline in accordance with EN 1610th. For any questions or to create dedicated solutions for the project you can contact our technical support.

Peštan polyethylene (PE) ID corrugated pipes are modern, reliable and efficient manner for gravity drainage of all types of rainwater or wastewater. Pipes are defined through an internal diameter which makes it much easier to budget rate. Guaranteed water resistance of the compounds to a pressure of 0.5 bar, a reliable ring stiffness and ease of installation, make these pipes and it complete the following program shafts proven choice. These tubes provide reliability and long life to the installation costs that are lower in comparison with many other pipe systems.
PE corrugated pipe OD
Peštan polyethylene (PE) OD corrugated pipes have been for years a reliable partner in the construction of gravitational drain outside the building. These corrugated pipes are declared over the nominal outside diameter (OD). These tubes are equally often used on individual objects as well as on large projects and their efficiency and the ease installation makes them equally readily use amateurs or professionals. Guaranteed water resistance to the compounds to a pressure of 0.5 Bar and circumferential stiffness class SN 4 (4 KN/m²) and SN 8 (8 KN/m²) make this tube the first choice on smaller projects. Opportunity to purchase a new tube coiled up to 50m in length and placement of the pipeline without frequent compounds make these pipes very easy and quick to install.
We make Peštan polyethylene PE pipe OD in diameter defined by an outer diameter (OD).
The pipes are made in the following diameters: Ø OD 40, Ø OD 50, Ø OD 63, Ø OD 75, Ø OD 90, Ø OD 110, Ø OD 125, Ø OD 160, Ø OD 200, Ø OD 250, Ø OD 315, Ø OD 400, Ø OD 500.
All diameters can be designed in classes of ring stiffness SN 4 or SN 8. This range of ring stiffness allows optimum selection of tubes in accordance with the static calculation. Pipes can be delivered in coils of 50 m, diameters up to Ø 200 or bars of 6 m for all diameters. For program PE corrugated pipes OD we manufacture the necessary fittings and we offer a full program of supporting shafts in all standard in dimensions so we are able to help from one place and offer a complete pipe system for high performances.
Peštan polyethylene (PE) OD corrugated pipes are intended for the construction of a pipeline and gravity drainage of all kinds of waste water. Pipes are defined by an external diameter which means that the nominal pipe diameter one that measured on the outer edge of the inner diameter is arrived at by subtracting the nominal diameter 2X wall thickness. These pipes provide a reliable function in almost all conditions, however in case of need for a large ring stiffness or transport of aggressive liquids, we advise consultation with our technical support.
The pipeline which is made of Peštan PE pipe OD, set and tested in accordance with EN 1610 will provide long-lasting and reliable function in almost all conditions. In accordance with its needs, buyer chooses a circumferential stiffness (strength ring) pipe that can be SN 4 (4 KN/m²) or SN 8 (8 KN/m²). With the pipe program we offer a complete manhole manufactured of our pipes or roto casting technique as well as fitting program, so that we can meet all customer requirements regardless of how the project was complex. With a complete pipeline we can offer you the service and pneumatic testing of the pipeline in accordance with EN 1610th.