PVC KG Pipes and fittings
Peštan PVC pipes for street sewerage systems together with the appropriate fittings are intended for removal of all kinds of waste water in systems of low building construction. They are very easy to install and they are connected with fittings where the rubber ring provides complete seal. This type of pipe is made of very light material, and therefore the transport and handling of these tubes is simple and easy.
Peštan PVC pipes for street sewage systems are made as a three-layer (by EN 13476 standard) or compact (by EN 1401 standard) tube.
Product portfolio of Peštan PVC pipes and fittings for street sewage systems includes pipes and fittings manufactured from high quality polyvinyl chloride PVC-U in diameters from Ø110 to Ø630. Also these pipes are being made in lenghts of 250mm, 500mm, 1000mm, 2000mm, 3000mm, 4000mm i 6000mm.
Peštan PVC pipes are produced as three layered (EN 13476) or as compact pipes (EN 1401), and all that in 3 versions depending on the rigidity/resistance to outer loading:
Pipe series S-25 (SDR 51) – SN 2 KN/m²
Pipe series S-20 (SDR 41) – SN 4 KN/m²
Pipe series S-16 (SDR 34) – SN 8 KN/m²
Pestan also offers the complete range of fittings, injected and weded, made in all diameters and stiffness. Peštan PVC fiting or outer connecting elements are thanks to it’s geometry are at least two times more rigid than the pipes even though they have the samewal thickness.
Because of that according to EN 1401 fitting class SN4 can be used with pipes SN8, because it’s geometry gives them SN8 rigidity.
As a complement to it’s PVC sewage system range, in it’s assortment Peštan has drain manholes diameters Ø315 and Ø400 with insertion diameters Ø160 and Ø200. These products are ment tofor further construction of drain manholes for rainwater collection in sewage systems for rain water in individual construction, but also for big infrastructural (rain water collection on big roads, driveways etc.) More details about this in section MANHOLES
Bend 15°
Bend 30°
Bend 45°
Branch 90°
Sleeve socket
Eccentric reducer
End Cap
Bend 90°
Branch 45°
Double socket
Flat reducer
Inspection pipe
Clap valve
Fields of application and installation
Application of the pipes depend on the place of layig, dirt quality and type of the ground, loading and similar various conditions.
Pipe series S-20 and S-16 are being used in normal conditions, which means where the trench, ground, methods of burrying are normal. With series S-20 and S-16 deformation can’t be bigger than 5% of outer diameter and the maximum deformation after 2 years can’t be bigger than 10% of diameter. Which is maximum long term deformation allowed. Still, with static calculation with PVC sewage pipes it is usual to presume 6% of (relative) vertical deformation of diameters within normative loading.
Laying of the sewage pipes and connective elements is allowed without special static proof in certain conditions. However, in most of the cases the calculation of capacity of the pipe is requiered. For proper instalation of Peštan PVC pipes it is recomendet to follow the instructions of EN 1610. For more information please contact out technical support.
For more information, contact our technical support.
Physical properties of materials
Specific mass 0.9 ÷ 1.0 gr/cm3
Tensile strength 50-60 MPa
Vicat temperature of melting min 79°C
Thermal conductivity 0,54 KJ/mh/°C
Linear coefficient of thermal expansion 0,08 mm/m/°C
Water absorption 4 mg/cm2
Chemical resistance of materials
Peštan PVC sewer pipes are resistant to salt water, alcohol, acids, alkalis, sulphates, aggressive gas and all kinds of detergents. On the other hand, they can not be used for the transport of water which contains high percentage of benzene, benzine (petrol) or acetone.
A complete table of chemical resistance can be downloaded in the.
Connecting PVC pipes
Peštan PVC pipes and fittings are connected via sockets, water resistance is achieved through the sealing rings made of EPDM rubber (EN 681), which are inserted into the socket.